ThreeSided Studios was founded in 2002 by Adam Aragon
But wait, there's more!
ThreeSided Studios was founded in 2002 by Adam Aragon. Adam is a longtime tech evangelist who is passionate about the web, social media and technology. After a stint doing web design for the US Military, Adam turned to assemble a team of like-minded individuals. With the intent to provide web design as an ongoing improvement and methods to try the absolute latest in technology.
While originally a “Moonlight” business that primarily consisted of freelance and hand-picked projects by word of mouth. It eventually grew into a full time business.
Now that ThreeSided has launched into an accredited company with dozens of major clients under it’s belt – we strive for that same personal touch and independent passion.
Since its inception, ThreeSided has always helped small, to medium local businesses get off the ground or to reinvent themselves. With a specialization in startups, new companies, small businesses and re-designs. We enjoy a unique niche which is simply to “make businesses better” through the web, email. social, and more.